Our Mission


First of all, the bees set about constructing their combs and forming the wax, or, in other words, making their dwellings and cells ; after this they produce their young and then make honey […]. No part of this work, however, is done at any stated time, as the bees seize every opportunity for the performance of their task when the days are fine and in one or two days, at most, they fill their cells with honey.

Pliny the Elder, Naturalis Historia.

When the bees become sedentary, we return to being nomadic to reach the hives, as it was in the primordial hunter-gatherer societies, when the sustenance system wasn’t based on any kind of agriculture or breeding, without consuming any natural resource, when the only way was by acquiring and picking food from wildlife.


This is what we do:

• we put bee families in Kenya Top Bar hives, made by Italian artisans from softwoods from fir trees;
• we guarantee to the hives an adequate supply of stocks by gathering only the surplus honeycomb;
we take the natural swarms in specific hives. In fact the numerous families are not managed, but we let bees swarm (the swarming is when the queen bee and 2/3 of the bees leave the hive), allowing them to follow what nature has foreseen.